17. Software (Overview)

Excel, a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft, serves as a software tool for collecting and organizing data in cells and rows (Gillis, 2022). As part of the Microsoft Office suite, it finds widespread usage among businesses for data analysis. Moreover, it serves as a storage solution for data management, accounting, account management, and report generation. Excel excels in performing mathematical calculations and generating graphical representations. Within Excel, Visual Basic for Applications serves as the macro programming language (Gillis, 2022).

While a web browser can provide access to a free version of Excel, it offers limited functionality compared to the full version available through a Microsoft 365 subscription. As a student, you may have access to this software "for free," although it is important to note that the cost is covered by your educational institution, for which you have indirectly paid (Gillis, 2022).

The system requirements for Excel are generally minimal, making it compatible with a wide range of devices. I have yet to come across a device that cannot download Excel. For detailed information on system requirements, please refer to the following link:


Gillis, S.A. (2022) Excel. Available at: https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterprisedesktop/definition/Excel (Accessed: 29 November 2022) 


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